Understanding Antivirus Features: A Simple Guide

Antivirus software is an essential tool to protect your devices from cyber threats. Modern antivirus software consists of many security features. But what do all these features really do? Let’s understand these features in simple way.

Infographics showing Features of antivirus software

This is the main work of an antivirus software. And all good antivirus software includes all the features under this category.

1. Antimalware

Anti-malware is the core feature of any antivirus or anti-malware software. It protects you from all kind of harmful programs like viruses, worms, trojans, spyware etc.

How it works

Antiviruses use different methods to identify threats. Like signature files, behavioral technology, and cloud scanning. It scans files, emails, and websites for any infection using these methods. And if it finds something suspicious, either it will blocks the threat or places it in quarantine so it can’t cause any harm.

According to a report by AV-TEST more than 350,000 new malware samples are detected every day.

For example, imagine you are unknowingly downloading a seemingly harmless file from the internet. In this case, antimalware software scans the file. And if it identifies it as a virus, then prevents it from executing and infecting your device.

2. Anti-Ransomware

Anti-ransomware feature protects devices from ransomware attacks. Ransomware is a type of malware that locks your files and demands payment to unlock them. Actually, ransomware enters to the system through any malware like trojan.

Normally antimalware may stop this, but some times it enters into the device with user’s consent. In this case antivirus uses extra security to protect devices from ransomware attacks.

How it works

It monitors files for suspicious activity, such as unauthorized encryption. It is a common tactic used in ransomware attacks. If it detects something unusual, it stops the process and alerts you.

Antivirus companies use different approach to protect data against ransomware like taking backup of the files to cloud. Or applying encryption before attacker that attacker can’t encrypt it again.

The FBI reports that ransomware attacks cost victims over $4 billion in 2020 alone.

For example, suddenly, one day when you switch on your computer and find that you are unable to access any file, folder, photos, videos etc. And a ransom note appears asking money to unlock the files. With anti-ransomware, this nightmare scenario can be avoided. As the software would have detected and stopped the attack before it began.

3. Real-Time Protection

Real-time protection continuously monitors your device for threats and stops them immediately. This feature ensures that any malicious activity is blocked as soon as it’s detected to prevent any potential damage.

Without real-time protection feature an antivirus is of no use except an on demand scanner.

How it works

It actively monitors your computer in the background. scans files as they’re opened or downloaded. If something harmful is detected, it’s dealt with immediately. Modern antiviruses use behavioral technology to catch even unknown threats in real time.

Real-time protection is a must have feature for every real antivirus software otherwise it is just an on-demand scanner.

4. Antiphishing

Anti-phishing feature protects you from fraudulent attempts to steal your personal information. Often attackers do this through deceptive emails or websites. It is a common practice by scammers who create fake website that looks like original website. And then fool you to enter your sensitive information.

How it works

It analyzes the content of emails and the legitimacy of websites. If it found any fake website it will block the website or alert you not to enter the sensitive information like personal details, passwords or credit card details.

Imagine you received an email that looks like it’s from your bank, asking you to verify your account details. Without antiphishing, you might be fooled into entering your information on a fake site. Antiphishing would recognize the scam and prevent you from falling victim.

With the internet being a major source of threats, antivirus software often includes features to secure your network and online activities.

1. Firewall

A firewall acts as a barrier between your device and the internet. It controls incoming and outgoing traffic based on security rules. You can allow or disallow any specific application to connect to the internet.

How it works

It monitors incoming and outgoing network connections and block the unauthorized connections to keep the hackers away from your devices.

Firewalls can block up to 99% of unauthorized access attempts .

You can understand it with an example, its like a security guard at the gate who checks every person’s identity and only allows known persons to go inside. The firewall acts same, it keeps hackers and malicious traffic out while letting your trusted connections in.

2. Web Protection

Web protection feature helps you to browse internet safely. It blocks dangerous websites and prevent online threats like drive-by downloads, which can install malware without your knowledge.

How it works

It checks the safety of websites before you visit them and blocks websites which can spread malware or phishing attacks.

Over 18 million websites are infected with malware at any given time .

While browsing, you accidentally click on a link that redirects you to a malicious website. In this case, Web protection feature stops the page from loading and alerts you about the threat.

3. Network Security

Network security feature protect your home or office network by securing Wi-Fi connections and preventing unauthorized access. It is also known as WiFi security.

How it works

It secures your Wi-Fi network by blocking unauthorized devices and detecting suspicious activity that could indicate an attack.

Over 80% of home routers are vulnerable to attacks .

If someone tries to connect to your home Wi-Fi network without permission, network security features will block the access attempt.

Protecting your personal information is a top priority, and these features are designed to keep your data secure.

1. Privacy Protection

Privacy protection features prevent tracking of your online activity by websites, advertisers, and apps. It prevents your data from being collected without your consent.

How it works

It identifies and blocks tracking cookies and other tools used by websites and advertisers to collect your personal information.

Have you noticed? suppose you’re browsing for a new pair of shoes. And without privacy protection, every site you visit afterward bombards you with ads for footwear. Privacy protection stops these trackers and keeps your browsing habits private.

Note: Privacy Protection stops advertisers from tracking you, while a VPN ensures your online activity remains anonymous

2. Identity Protection

Identity protection monitors your personal information, such as email addresses, Social Security numbers, and credit card details. It alerts you if they are compromised. This feature helps prevent identity theft.

Don’t confuse between identity protection and privacy protection

Privacy Protection helps block invasive trackers from following your online activity. While Identity Protection goes a step further by scanning the web, including the dark web, for signs of identity theft.

How it works

It checks your personal information on the dark web for data theft and alert you. Some companies also offer monitoring services like credit monitoring for any unusual changes to your credit report. Bank and credit card alert, court record alert, home title alert etc.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, Identity theft affected over 1.4 million people in the U.S. in 2020.

Suppose your social security number is found on the dark web after a data breach. In this case identity protection will scan the dark web and notify you about it. So you can take appropriate action.

3. Data Encryption

Data encryption is a method to convert your data into unreadable code, which can only be accessed with the correct encryption key. This ensures that even if your files are stolen, they cannot be read without authorization.

How it works

Data encryption feature encrypt the data marked by you as sensitive and make it unreadable even if some one stole it.

Encrypting sensitive work documents on your laptop means that if it’s lost or stolen, the files remain secure and inaccessible to others.

4. Dark Web Monitoring

This feature scans the dark web for your personal information and alerts you if any of your data, such as passwords or credit card numbers, are being traded. The dark web is a hidden part of the internet where stolen information is often sold .

5. Mic and Camera Monitor

This feature prevents unauthorized apps from accessing your microphone or camera, protecting you from being spied on. It ensures that no one can listen to or watch you without your permission.

Some antivirus software also provide extra tools and utilities which are useful for enhanced security.

infographics showing addon tools of antivirus software

1. VPN (Virtual Private Network)

A VPN encrypts your internet connection, and keeps your online activities private. This is especially useful when you use public Wi-Fi networks, which are often insecure.

How it works

It routes your internet traffic through a secure server, hiding your IP address and encrypting your data. It makes it difficult for anyone to track your online activities.

Suppose in a coffee shop you use the public Wi-Fi to connect to the internet. In this case without VPN you are vulnerable to network attack, but with a VPN your internet activity will be encrypted.

2. Parental Control

Parental control feature allows you to monitor and manage your children’s online activities.

How it works

Different parental control can offer different type of functionalities. Basically it provides to set limits on screen time, block inappropriate websites, and track their online behavior to ensure they’re safe while using the internet.

Suppose you are not available at home to monitor your child while they take an online class. With parental controls, you can allow only certain websites to be accessed during class time and monitor their activity.

3. Password Manager

A password manager securely stores and manages your passwords at one place. It can generate strong and unique passwords for each account and autofill when you require to login.

How it works

These days browsers also provide this kind of functionality. But password managers provide more functionality and security. You can set a master password to access your passwords. So that you don’t need to remember different passwords for different websites. It stores, autofill and autogenerate the password when you required. It can auto manage all your password work.

Use Case: Instead of using the same password for multiple accounts. A password manager generates a unique, complex password for each one and stores them securely and autofill when you need to login.

4. System Optimizer

A system optimizer improves your computer’s performance by cleaning up unnecessary files and optimizing settings.

How it works

It scans your system for junk files, broken shortcuts, and other clutter that slows down your computer. It removes them to free up space and improve speed. A system optimizer can also have other optimization features.

5. Software Updater

A software updater keeps all your programs up to date with the latest security patches and features. Outdated software are responsible for up to 90% of all security breaches.

6. File Shredder

A file shredder permanently deletes files from your device, making them unrecoverable. This is useful for ensuring that sensitive information is not accidentally recovered after deletion. Otherwise your data can be recovered using data recovery software.

Let you are disposing off an older disk which contain sensitive data. In this case you can use the file shredder to completely delete the data from the disk. It makes sure that even data recovery software can’t recover the data.

7. Ad Blocker

Ad blockers remove intrusive ads from websites, providing a cleaner browsing experience and reducing the risk of malicious ads (malvertising) infecting your device.


Antivirus software is more than just a virus blocker. It’s a comprehensive cyber security suite that protects you from a wide range of online threats and provides various security tools. After understanding how each feature works, you can now choose the right antivirus software for your needs. Do a Feature wise comparison of antivirus software.

Also check: Our top picks for best antivirus software


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